Excellent reasoning!
Good article here I thought: http://jwsrefined.com/2012/12/15/blood-transfusions/
parallels have often been drawn between the pharisees' condemnation of healing on the sabbath, with jws' condemnation of life saving blood transfustions.
in a question on y!a, i attempt to hightlight the folly of jw anti-blood arguments and reasoning by equipping the pharisees with comparable arguments for refuting healing on the sabbath.
since the pharisees are portrayed as being wrong for condemning jesus' healing on the sabbath, then giving them jw-anti-blood-like arguments and reasoning should hopefully help jws to see that such reasoning used by them is wrong.
Excellent reasoning!
Good article here I thought: http://jwsrefined.com/2012/12/15/blood-transfusions/
Richard Dawkins' statements are despicable. Unfortunately he is not the only one. Arthur C Clarke said from Sri Lanka that it does no harm as long as they are in puberty.
1 john 5:1 says everyone (not just special people) but everyone who believes that jesus is the son of god is born of god.
born of god is the same thing as born again.
the jw theology is so easy to refute i dont see how anyone can read the whole nt and still be one..
Yep. Even the Watchtower Society admits in its publications that all first century Christians were born again and the scriptural accounts only attest to that. BUT, you see....a certain Joseph Rutherford came up with a new epiphany about 1900 years later!.
JW's reckon Judge Rutherford has a bit more credibility and is a bit more more up to date than Jesus and the apostles.
Genesis 3:14
a bunch of birthday cardsthis store really hit me hard.
this world is just full of suffering but let's try to make this little boy's dream come true.
and for any lurking active jw,please note that apostes are not cruel and evil monsters.. .
Birthdays are a wonderful opportunity for a family and friends to show a child how much he is loved. SHAME on the wicked Watchtower neo-nazi's and child-haters for banning birthdays. How much have JW children been denied because of this bizarre and petty creed?
does god dwell outside the universe or inside?.
jehovah lives in pleiades star cluster galaxy...star trek anyone?.
1927 "the face of the deep, of course, would be toward the pleiades, which are claimed to be the habitation of jehovah.
What is your point here Blondie? That you have provided it's a false religion and saved some ignorant JW by producing three quotes of some 80 or so years apart that appear to contradict each other on some obscure wild metaphysical speculation? What a very clever cutter and paster of Watchtower quotes you are.
there's been a buzz on this forum - on and off but currently on - that there has not been an article in any watchtower publication on the blood ban for a while - which feeds speculation that the organization is distancing itself from this doctrinal absurdity.
does that mean there's been nothing mentioned about the blood doctrine for months or years?
specifically, when did the watchtower last mention the blood ban?
There's no greater proof that it is a sick, legalistic, 'false religion' than this doctrine. Child-sacrifice to Jehovah on the organisational alter of fanatical, legalistic false interpretation.
They have replaced Molech with Jehovah!
How utterly BLIND and cruel can the fanatical, pharisaic, heartless Watchtower leaders be to perpetuate this murderous creed! Even the strictest modern-day Jews have the sense to realise the ancient edicts do not apply to blood transfusions.
i have always been attracted to very confident and self-assured women.
so sexy.
example - a girl who may not look like a skinny stick model at the beach in a bikini and rocking it.
A confident woman in a feminine way is very sexy, yes. But I am turned off if I don't sense a certain vulnerability in a woman. I don't mean in a needy way, weak way, but as in a sense that there is a certain emotional tenderness or softness there, that there is a female yin needing a man's yang to feel complete. A woman who comes across as just too cocky and self-reliant will turn the majority of men off (except for wimpy, subservient types), as he will feel he has nothing he can offer her (except to be a human vibrator).
90% of men are not sexually interested in fatties, rather are quite repulsed. Sorry, I make no apologies for disclosing that brutal truth to all the female fatties out there living in denial about that.
if there was a pill you could give to your jw family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?.
most would probably say yes.. but what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?.
some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs.
Very good thread that raises a number of moral/ethical dilemmas.
My thoughtful but humble responses in red font:
If there was a pill you could give to your JW family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?
Most would probably say yes. I would say Yes, I agree that YES is the best long-term answer for the benefit of the majority, but in the minority case, the answer is NO for some individuals particular needs. The reason is this organisation has very harmful, death-dealing policies and creeds (blood transfusion policy is WICKED, very flawed child abuse policy, and heinous shunning policy) which in the main it is more important to wake JW's up to and undermine the Watchtower's wicked leadership for the long-term benefit of it's own membership, whether they realise it or not.
But what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits? As above, i must answer YES, for the benefit of the majority of JWs for the long-term. The short-term suffering of a few elderly or misfit JW's is not as important as the greater, long-term moral good gained from snapping JW's and the Watchtower Society out of it's moral and ethical BLINDNESS in disgustingly believing that 'Jehovah' essentially approves of child-sacrifice for fanatical adherence to erroneous interpretations of ancient scriptural passages on blood and a strict and totally unrealistic requirement for 'two witnesses' to child rape before ousting a paedophile from the congregation, for example. Our moral duty as Christians is to mitigate the worst forms of suffering as much as possible and build up from there. The Watchtower Society is BLOODGUILTY for the deaths of babies, children and adults because of blindly fanatical and legalistic, and erroneous immoral interpretations of ancient and entirely debateable scriptures.
Some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs. Some are hooked on the idea that they are Jehovah's name people and there is nowhere else to go. Others could not function without the "brotherhood" and have limited or no social skills to survive outside the organization. Too bad. It doesn't matter. These people just need to be educated to trust in their own conscience to guide them in life, not self-appointed religious authoritarianism. After realising that the organisation is fraudulent and erroneous in many respects, they will find the courage and liberty to branch out and find new friends amongst normal human society and local community. After all, JW's say that ultimately it is one's own 'Bible-based conscience' that is what we should guide us, right?
Sometimes, the wolf is not necessary - the sheep are happy to build their own pen. A very false and dangerous spoof generalisation to say that.
Freedom comes with a price and not all can handle it.
does god dwell outside the universe or inside?.
jehovah lives in pleiades star cluster galaxy...star trek anyone?.
1927 "the face of the deep, of course, would be toward the pleiades, which are claimed to be the habitation of jehovah.
Pointless metaphysical speculation. "God" is absolutely irrelevant to humanity's day to day lives since "it" shows no evidence whatsoever of caring or intervening in human suffering. The Buddha realised this and taught this 2,500 years ago.
i have a cousin who claims to have disassociated from the faith over 10 years ago.
recently he told me that our family has never learned about this.
honestly i dont see how he has continued to keep this up.
Quite possible if he lived in another state very far away and his family had no contact whatsoever with any JW's from that state, so word never reached them.
I congratulate him. He gave formal big finger to that sick little religion while also managing to maintain some normal family relationships for 10 years. He's an inspiration. Go west young man!